Dear Parents or Guardians,
Hope you had a relaxing and refreshing
summer. It is my pleasure to be teaching your child this year.
As the year progresses, I plan to be in
constant communication with all the homes of the students in my class. The
communication will be in a variety of formats, through your child’s agenda, a
personal note, a phone call, or by you simply logging on our class blog that
I will be updating weekly. I want to
keep you well informed about what we are doing and learning throughout the
year. In the meantime, I would like to outline some initial routines that you
need to be aware of immediately.
The following is an outline of
expectations in the classroom:
Students are expected to:
1) Be respectful to others (all staff and
2) Keep hands and feet to one’s self.
3) Remain in seats.
4) Diligently work on assigned tasks,
complete, and hand in all assignments on time.
5) Cooperate with others.
6) Follow instructions.
7) Keep working area clean and tidy; this
includes student’s desk and cubby.
8) Aim for the best.
Additional Information
1) We will be using agendas to plan our days and outline what needs to be done. These
agendas will be coming home with your child each night and will provide you
with a good idea of what they have done each day. Please discuss the homework in
the agendas with your child, highlighting what they have accomplished and what
areas may need more time and effort. Moreover, please sign/initial the agendas
every night, as I will be verifying them each day. It is the student’s
responsibility to write in his/her agenda, a blank day will result in the
student receiving an incomplete stamp. Students will receive a stamp daily to
indicate whether their homework is complete or not. When a student receives 3 or more incomplete stamps, the student will
then receive a school detention. If this matter continues then
parents will be contacted to determine an action plan.
Homework: Homework MUST be completed by the NEXT scheduled
class unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Again, if homework is not completed three times a week, which will be shown
by your child receiving three incomplete homework stamps, an after school
detention will be given.
2) Friday Folder: Every Friday a folder will
be coming home containing any marked assessments. Please discuss the assessment
pieces with your child and sign the folder sheet indicating that you have seen
and discussed it with your child. The
Friday Folder must be returned to the school on Monday, if the folder is not
returned by Tuesday, I will contact the parents to verify. If there is no
assessment pieces returned to your child, the folder will come home on Friday
as usual indicating that there was nothing returned.
3) Notes: If your child were away, a note
stating that he/she was away with your permission and reason of absence would
be greatly appreciated. If your child has homework that was not completed,
please record that you are aware of the fact in his/her agenda. The student is
responsible to speak to rotary/French teachers, his/her friends or myself to make
up for what was missed in that specific day(s).
4) Notebook expectations:
- The appearance must be neat or it must
be redone.
- Notebooks’ covers must have the
students’ name and subject. No other markings are acceptable.
- All work must be dated.
- White-out is not permitted.
- Both sides of the page are to be used unless otherwise instructed.
- Titles must be underlined with a ruler.
- All math work MUST be done in pencil.
5) We have gym every Monday and Wednesday. It
is essential that all students wear appropriate clothing in order to
participate fully in the gym program. Please ensure that your child brings
shorts, t-shirts, and running shoes to school on gym days, or, if you wish,
they may leave gym bags at school. It is important that all clothing and
materials from your home be clearly marked with your child’s name.
Welcome to our classroom. I look forward to getting to know you and your
child throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
have any questions or concerns.