Monday, March 24, 2014

Welcome back and some updates

Hope everyone had a restful March Break and enjoyed their time off.   Here are some updates for upcoming events:

1.  We welcome Ms. Maciel - teacher candidate from Brock University.  She will be with us till the beginning of May and we look forward to all her fun and exciting lessons.

2. Grade 5's are starting the Human Body unit and we will be investigating all the different systems of the body, how they work and what diseases or conditions affect them.  Students have been assigned a group to create a presentation based on one of the systems.  Each student received an outline and rubric for the project.  Due: April 14.

3.  Grade 6's are starting the Space unit and we will be learning about the history of space exploration, facts about planets, stars, and galaxies and we will also be planting tomato seeds that have come from space with Chris Hadfield.

4. Trips:  April 4th - Greg le Rock (gr 5/6);  April 9th - Ripley's (gr 6).

5. Easter weekend:  No school on Apr 18th (good friday) and Apri 21 (Easter Monday).

6. Easter Eucharist at St. Matthew's - April 30th.  Parents are welcome to attend.

Monday, March 3, 2014

World Literacy Canada Contest

Interested in competing in a writing contest?...see the link below for more details.
Submissions due APRIL 4th 

Write an original story describing what happens next in 400 words or less:
It’s been a long, sleepless night of strange dreams. Even once you wake up, you think you’re still dreaming, because you aren’t in your own bed. You aren’t even yourself! It’s no dream. You’ve woken in another part of the world, as someone from another culture.
What happens next? That’s up to you.