Friday, February 7, 2014

Book Talk - due Feb 24th

Students have received an outline for their book talk. Please make sure to have your book at school on Monday February 10th.   We discussed the different types of ways that we can present and what additional pieces we could add to our presentation.


Your task is to do a book talk about a book of your choice.  You must include the points below and can add any additional information you feel that is relevant to your talk.  You can present it in anyway you would like. 
Some examples of how to present are:
  • On-line presentation such as Prezi, Powerpoint, moviemaker, etc
  • Drama or skit or puppet show
  • Character acting (dress up as the character or author)
  • Models of the main characters
  • Diorama
  • Poster or Collage or sketch
  • Anything else you would like (approved by teacher)

Make sure to include:
  • Title, author, publisher and date of book.
  • Why you think the author gave the book this title?
  • A summary of the book (use the Shape Go Map)
  • Describe one exciting event in the story
  • Which character is most like you and why
  • Which character is least like you and why
  • What happens in the story that you wish could happen to you and why
  • What is your overall opinion of the book and would you recommend it to others and why
  • Focus on Faith connection
  • Anything else you feel is interesting and relevant to your presentation

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