It is with both tears of Joy and Sadness that I will be leaving MT. Although, I am looking forward to my newest adventure, I will truly miss everyone. Always remember to stay positive and be the best leaders and role models that you can be.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
EQAO - May 26th - 29th
The Grade 6's will be writing EQAO on May 26th - 29th. Please make sure to come prepared to school by being well rested and fed. The students have been preparing for the testing and are more then ready.
Math Unit Test - May 22nd
Patterning in Numbers and Geometry unit test will be on Thursday May 22nd.
Review patterns rules and explaining your thinking about patterns.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Mental Health Week May 4- 10
1 in 5 Ontario children and youth has a mental health problem - that's about 500,000 kids. Disorders range from anxiety, depression and conduct disorder to eating disorders, psychosis and bi-polar disorder. Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse and even suicide.
Children's Mental Health Week is about increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems, decreasing stigma and understanding that help is available and treatment works!
The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support. There should be no shame in talking about mental health issues. The more we talk about this, the more we reduce the associated shame and stigma so that young people can get the help they need when they need it most.
Check out the link below for more information.The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support. There should be no shame in talking about mental health issues. The more we talk about this, the more we reduce the associated shame and stigma so that young people can get the help they need when they need it most.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Catholic Education Week
We are pleased to have Mayor Rob Burton join us for our Catholic Education week on Tuesday May 6th at 10am. He will be speaking to the students about the municipal government. Parents/Guardians are welcome to join us. We will be meeting in the gym.
Also, on Friday May 9th at 10am , we will be having our Catholic Education Week liturgy followed by a school Walk with Jesus around the community. Feel free to join us.
Also, on Friday May 9th at 10am , we will be having our Catholic Education Week liturgy followed by a school Walk with Jesus around the community. Feel free to join us.
Today we said goodbye to Ms. Maciel. We wish her all the best on her journey into teaching and look forward to seeing her soon.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Holy Thursday Liturgy
Parents/Guardians/Friends are invited to attend our Holy Thursday liturgy this Thursday at 10am.
Holy Week
Here are some video we watched about Holy week.
Lego palm Sunday
The Donkey that no one could ride
The Easter story
Friday, April 4, 2014
Gregg Le Rock
We had such a great time at the Gregg Le Rock concert today. It was fun seeing everyone up and dancing and singing along to his music.
Asked your kids to sing some of the favourites like:
Bonhomme, Bonhomme
Terry Fox
Mon T-shirt
Check out his website for more information about him.
Asked your kids to sing some of the favourites like:
Bonhomme, Bonhomme
Terry Fox
Mon T-shirt
Check out his website for more information about him.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Welcome back and some updates
Hope everyone had a restful March Break and enjoyed their time off. Here are some updates for upcoming events:
1. We welcome Ms. Maciel - teacher candidate from Brock University. She will be with us till the beginning of May and we look forward to all her fun and exciting lessons.
2. Grade 5's are starting the Human Body unit and we will be investigating all the different systems of the body, how they work and what diseases or conditions affect them. Students have been assigned a group to create a presentation based on one of the systems. Each student received an outline and rubric for the project. Due: April 14.
3. Grade 6's are starting the Space unit and we will be learning about the history of space exploration, facts about planets, stars, and galaxies and we will also be planting tomato seeds that have come from space with Chris Hadfield.
4. Trips: April 4th - Greg le Rock (gr 5/6); April 9th - Ripley's (gr 6).
5. Easter weekend: No school on Apr 18th (good friday) and Apri 21 (Easter Monday).
6. Easter Eucharist at St. Matthew's - April 30th. Parents are welcome to attend.
1. We welcome Ms. Maciel - teacher candidate from Brock University. She will be with us till the beginning of May and we look forward to all her fun and exciting lessons.
2. Grade 5's are starting the Human Body unit and we will be investigating all the different systems of the body, how they work and what diseases or conditions affect them. Students have been assigned a group to create a presentation based on one of the systems. Each student received an outline and rubric for the project. Due: April 14.
3. Grade 6's are starting the Space unit and we will be learning about the history of space exploration, facts about planets, stars, and galaxies and we will also be planting tomato seeds that have come from space with Chris Hadfield.
4. Trips: April 4th - Greg le Rock (gr 5/6); April 9th - Ripley's (gr 6).
5. Easter weekend: No school on Apr 18th (good friday) and Apri 21 (Easter Monday).
6. Easter Eucharist at St. Matthew's - April 30th. Parents are welcome to attend.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Happy March Break
Wishing everyone a happy and restful March Break. Here are some links to fun events/activities around the area.
Monday, March 3, 2014
World Literacy Canada Contest
Interested in competing in a writing contest?...see the link below for more details.
Submissions due APRIL 4th
Submissions due APRIL 4th
Write an original story describing what happens next in 400 words or less:
It’s been a long, sleepless night of strange dreams. Even once you wake up, you think you’re still dreaming, because you aren’t in your own bed. You aren’t even yourself! It’s no dream. You’ve woken in another part of the world, as someone from another culture.
What happens next? That’s up to you.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
BRAVO Graduation - Grade 6
On Monday March 3rd the Grade 6's will be having their BRAVO graduation. Parents are welcome to attend the celebration that will be held in the gym at 10 am. We are proud of all the hard work the students have accomplished.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Friday - Canada Spirit and Live Free day
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Report Writing - due Tuesday March 4th
On Thursday, we will be starting our Report Writing unit. Each student will be randomly assigned a Prime Minister (grade 5) or an Explorer (grade 6) to research. We have discussed research skills and the students should be comfortable using a variety of reliable sources to find information. Students will receive an outline detailing all expectations, name of Prime Minister/Explorer and due date.
Grade 5: Prime Ministers - information will be presented on a bristol board (poster)
Grade 6: Explorers - information can be presented either on a bristol board (poster) or on-line presentation
- your Prime Minister/Explorer must be clearly identified, including full name and time of office/exploration
- you must include a detailed summary of your Prime Minister/Explorers history
- you need to include details regarding personal life, place and date of birth, place and date of death, where they lived, etc.
- you must also include some interesting facts or accomplishments
- you must include a picture of your Prime Minister/Explorer
- any additional information that you feel will be of interest ("fun facts")
- you must ensure all your information is accurate and complete and reference all sources used
Grade 5: Prime Ministers - information will be presented on a bristol board (poster)
Grade 6: Explorers - information can be presented either on a bristol board (poster) or on-line presentation
Reports are due: Tuesday March 4th
Grade 5
Daniel - Alexander Mackenzie
Hanna - Sir John Abbott
Matthew - Sir John Thompson
Marcos - Brian Mulroney
Sienna - R. B. Bennett
Christian - Willion Lyon Mackenzie King
Jeremy - Paul Martin
Aidan - Sir John A Macdonald
Jacob - Sir Mackenzie Bowell
Justin - Sir Robert Borden
Elisa - Kim Campbell
Luca - Louise St Laurent
Emma - Arthur Meighen
Sarah - Lester B Pearson
Michael- Sir Wilfred Laurier
Eric - John Diefenbaker
Carson - Jean Chretien
Lauren - Pierre Trudeau
Katerina - Joe Clark
Chase - Stephen Harper
Grade 6
Owen - Giovanni Caboto
Vanessa - Samuel de Champlain
Jason - Leif Eriksson
Cindy - Henry Hudson
Ashley - Jacque Cartier
John - William Baffin
Julian - Bjarni Herjolfsson
Aleksandar - Giovanni de Verrazano
Paige - Freydis Eiriksdottir
Book Order - due Thursday Feb 20th
Book orders are due Thursday. Please make cheques out to Scholastics Canada.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Olympics Fever
Have you been watching the Sochi Olympic Winter Games with your kids? The Olympics provide a great opportunity for you to connect with your kids on topics like doing something you love and following your passion, rewards versus self-satisfaction, goal planning and role models.
Here are some potential conversation starters:
- How do you think people find something to be passionate about?
- What do you love to do?
- What’s more important to you, being recognized for doing well or the feeling you get when you do your best?
- What do you wish you could do and how do you think you can make that happen?
- Do you look up to the athletes? Why?
- When you grow up do you want to be a role model for kids? What does that mean to you?
- What are some ways you ‘are winter’?
Family Day
Monday is Family Day. Here are some links of events happening that day. Have fun!!
Valentines Day
Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Please dress in Red, White and/or Pink. Also, if you choose to bring in some valentines day cards, please make sure to bring one for everyone in the class or distribute them at your own time after school.
Student Government is also selling bracelets, key chains and necklaces.
$1 for one
$1.50 for two
$2.00 for three
Class Names:
Student Government is also selling bracelets, key chains and necklaces.
$1 for one
$1.50 for two
$2.00 for three
Class Names:
Math Unit Test - Thursday Feb 20th
Study Tips
Grade 5:

- Volume of rectangular prisms made with centimetre cubes
- Time and distance relationship ex. 80km in 1 far in 7 hrs? or Steve leave the house at 7am and walks 2km every hour. Will Steve make the opening bell if school starts at 9am?
- Measuring mass - converting from kg-g or kg - t ** memorize the chart **
Grade 6:
- Surface area and volume of a rectangular prism **know your FORMULAS**surface area = L x W (for each of the 6 sides), then add together (cm2)volume = L x W x H (cm3)
- converting units of mass kg-g or t-kg
- converting units of capacity L-ml or m3 - L
- How much it will cost to paint a room based on its surface area
Friday, February 7, 2014
Book Talk - due Feb 24th
Students have received an outline for their book talk. Please make sure to have your book at school on Monday February 10th. We discussed the different types of ways that we can present and what additional pieces we could add to our presentation.
Make sure to include:
Your task is to do a book talk about a book of your choice. You must include the points below and can add any additional information you feel that is relevant to your talk. You can present it in anyway you would like.
Some examples of how to present are:
- On-line presentation such as Prezi, Powerpoint, moviemaker, etc
- Drama or skit or puppet show
- Character acting (dress up as the character or author)
- Models of the main characters
- Diorama
- Poster or Collage or sketch
- Anything else you would like (approved by teacher)
Make sure to include:
- Title, author, publisher and date of book.
- Why you think the author gave the book this title?
- A summary of the book (use the Shape Go Map)
- Describe one exciting event in the story
- Which character is most like you and why
- Which character is least like you and why
- What happens in the story that you wish could happen to you and why
- What is your overall opinion of the book and would you recommend it to others and why
- Focus on Faith connection
- Anything else you feel is interesting and relevant to your presentation
All of our speeches are ready to be presented. On Monday February 10th we will be having our classroom competition of our speeches. Students will be selected later in the week to move forward in the competition again the other grade level students for a spot in the school finals.
Good luck to everyone.
Good luck to everyone.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Sweater Donations
We are having a sweater drive. If you have any lightly used sweaters that you would like to donate, please bring them in this Thursday February 6th.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
WinterFest - January 31st
Looking for something fun to do this Friday. Check out the link below for more information about Winterfest at Glen Eden.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Cyber Safety
After watching the video on Being Safer and Smarter Online, write a one page reflection how you can be safe online and why it is important.
Please go to to log in and post your assignment in the dropbox under the section Health - Cyber Safety.
Due: Tuesday January 28th.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Grade 5 - Government assignment - Due Thursday Jan 23rd
Grade 5 - please complete the levels of government assignment posted on the elearning ontario site.
All students have their own username and passwords. Please make sure to submit your report into the dropbox.
All students have their own username and passwords. Please make sure to submit your report into the dropbox.
Boys....Looking for a new book to read?
Check out some of these sites for some interesting books to choose from. Girls, the sites may say books for boys, but you can read these too.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Literacy Groups
We are starting our 2nd week of literacy groups and reading such interesting books. We came up with some tips to help us become successful while working independently. Students, share your favorite part of the book with someone. Explain why connected with it.
We have started writing our speeches and should have them all written by the end of next week. Speeches should be 2-4 mins in length and have a Catholic component to it or related to a Focus on Faith theme that we have discussed. The week of Jan 27th we will be preparing for our in-class friendly speech competition. Together we came up with things we should be doing in order to be successful in our speeches.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Grade 5 - Government
We have started our government unit. Here are some fun videos to enjoy.
What each levels of government is responsible for.
Minority and Majority Government
Rights and Responsibilities - grade 6's - this is our Focus on Faith theme this year
Canadian Charter of rights and freedom
What each levels of government is responsible for.
Minority and Majority Government
Rights and Responsibilities - grade 6's - this is our Focus on Faith theme this year
Canadian Charter of rights and freedom
Grade 5 Liturgy
Parents are invited to join us for our grade level liturgy on Wednesday January 15th at 10am. The liturgy will take place in the library.
Check out this fun video on the Story of Jesus...
Check out this fun video on the Story of Jesus...
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Welcome Back, Epiphany and Ukrainian Christmas

- Hope everyone had a restful holiday filled with family and fun. We are back are ready to continue our learning journey.
- Yesterday we learned about the Epiphany and the importance of the star that leads all of us to God. We read Matthew 2:1-12 to help us gain a greater understanding of the Epiphany.
- To all who celebrate Christmas based on the Julian calendar....Merry Christmas. Here is a link about the traditions on Ukrainian Christmas....
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